Sunday, September 20, 2015


Busy, busy bee I am! My kiddos this year are amazing! I couldn't have asked for a better class. We have practiced many procedures, and have been working on things such as...
1. Using kind words
2. Sharing
3. Cutting!
4. Writing our names correctly
5. Using our words
6. Reporting, not tattling

Beginning of year in kindergarten is pretty overwhelming, and teaching these things is crucial and key to having a happy and successful school year. These five things are only 5 of the hundreds of things we teach at the beginning. We've also been working on getting workstations right, so I can start pulling my small groups. We are almost there!

My kiddos loved taking their first day pictires with this sign. I really captured their excitement.
Just a few of the stories I start off with. I love to read to my kids, and read to them any chance I get!

Again, busy busy bee!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Classroom Reveal

have been working a lot in my room. I have also spent more money than I had planned on, which is always the case so no big surprise there. I went with no theme, but more of a color scheme. I find green and blue to be a very warming color combination, and so I went with everything green and blue. it also helped that I already had a bunch of green items from my froggie theme about two years ago. My pre-planning technically doesn't even start for another week! But I've been in my room all last week and most of this week getting my things together. What they fail to tell you about pre-planning is that there are a ton of meetings, and very little actual classroom prep time. So it's done, and now all I have to do is attend meetings and get my first week prepped. I'm stoked to be so ahead of the game this year! I even had a visitor which I was forced to kill because he was not welcome in my room. He was tuckered away in a stack of books I had in storage, and now he is in a peaceful forever sleep. Here is my setup this year! Enjoy!

Friday, August 7, 2015

It's August already!

School is just around the corner. I am getting really stoked to be starting with Kindergarten again, but I'm also super nervous. I am once again starting at a new school, but I'm sure this year will be better than last. Last year was extremely rough.

 I have been working like crazy trying to get my room ready for this year, all while trying to close on a new house. It's been hectic, and overwhelming. I have also spent way more than I planned on spending, but that always happens when you start in a new room. You have new corners to fill, new ideas and hey, it's a new year! I will post pictures of my room as soon as it's ready. Can't wait!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Looking for classroom decor ideas? This blogger has some really clever ideas and her room looks amazing! I can't wait until I can post pictures of my room. Click on the image to see her latest post. Enjoy! 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

26 Signs You're a Teacher on Summer Break

Summer Time

I am eager and excited for next school year already, and summer has only just begun! I have all this time to plan, prep, and share all my exciting ideas with all of you. Although I have never taught First grade, I interned in First and absolutely loved it. I think First is one of the hardest years, because there is so much that is expected of our little ones. I am going to share my ideas for classroom management, discipline, incentives, work stations, math centers, and so much more! I live in Florida, and it rains just about every day in the summer time. It lasts about 30 minutes, but that's just enough to blog away. Check out the authors I came up with for this years Author Spotlights! I think the kids will really enjoy them!

I'm lucky to get to spend time with my beautiful mother while I'm off. She lives 10 minutes from the beach, which is very convenient for me. Off I's time for a little beach bike ride. I also added a snap of my beautiful home away from home. Sunny South Florida. Enjoy! :)

Hollywood, Florida